Chapter 2
The context of this inquiry
Some of the reasons for this inquiry are readily apparent. Over the past
several years, there has been ongoing and widespread concern in the community
about rising electricity prices and the actions of electricity network
businesses that have contributed to these increases. The attention given to
this issue has resulted in terms like 'gold plating'—that is, excessive
expenditure on 'poles and wires'—emerging into common parlance.
This is certainly not the first inquiry to examine high electricity
prices. Indeed, as some of the industry stakeholders were quick to point out, this
inquiry follows at least 17 other inquiries and reviews since 2010.[1]
These inquiries resulted in various changes to the rules underpinning the
regulation of networks; with the upcoming revenue determinations these new
rules are being tested for the first time.
This inquiry, however, differs from the others in several key ways. First,
it follows specific allegations by a whistle-blower that Energex, a Queensland
distribution network service provider, sought to mislead the regulator. Other concerning
and inefficient practices at Energex were also highlighted by the whistle‑blower.
Second, as this inquiry has taken place after the flurry of regulatory and
other changes made since 2012, and as the first revenue determinations since
these changes are being finalised, the committee can, to some extent, examine
these changes. Of particular interest to the committee is how network businesses
and the regulator have responded to both the rule amendments and changes to
market conditions. It is also evident that concern about high electricity
prices and their effect on consumers and economic activity has not gone away.
In fact, the latest regulatory proposals have been an additional source of
frustration in some quarters.
Finally, this inquiry is considering electricity network regulation in
the context of innovation and disruptive technologies, such as the rise of photovoltaic
panels and the potential for cost-effective battery storage. State-wide networks
with centralised generation and linkages between states that create an almost
national network have, overall, served Australia well. However, there is no
guarantee that this will be the most-effective model in the future. An
expensive but under-utilised network could mean that stranded assets will be
the next thorny issue in energy policy.
In summary, this inquiry builds on previous reviews by seeking to
uncover whether there are fundamental problems with the system of electricity
regulation in Australia. This chapter provides an overview of principal issues,
which will inform the discussion in the remaining chapters of the report.
High electricity prices and 'gold plating'
While the other components of electricity supply, namely generation and
retail, contribute to the prices end users pay for the electricity they use, the
concern about electricity prices in recent years has been linked to a
noticeable increase in the proportion of an electricity bill that is attributed
to network costs.[2]
For example, the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) stated that
residential network prices in Queensland and New South Wales have more than
doubled, in real terms, between 2007 and 2013. Large industrial consumers have
faced even greater increases: the EUAA advised that some of its members
have seen their network tariffs increase by over 200 per cent during that same period.[3]
Cotton Australia compared the increases in electricity prices to the increases
in the prices of other goods and services; it noted that electricity prices
have significantly outstripped inflation during the past 15 years, with
electricity prices increasing by approximately 350 per cent since 2000, compared
to inflation of 45 to 50 per cent.[4]
Network cost trends, demand
forecasts and international comparisons
Network costs now represent between 30 per cent and 60 per cent of a
consumer's electricity bill.[5]
Figure 2.1 shows how the network costs differ between states.
Figure 2.1:
Average electricity network and non-network prices by jurisdiction in 2014

Source: Mr Bruce Mountain, Submission
19, p. 5.
The high prices in Australia relative to other countries were noted.
Dr Gabrielle Kuiper from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre observed that
while the contribution of network costs to electricity prices can vary
significantly within Australia—for example, network costs in New South Wales
are double those in Victoria—all states have higher network charges than Great
Britain, Canada or the United States of America.[6]
Mr Bruce Mountain, the director of Carbon and Energy Markets Australia (CME),
an energy economics consultancy, supplied a chart that illustrated this point (Figure
Figure 2.2: Network services charges for average usage
households in 2013

Note: PPP-adjusted exchange
rates, constant currency.
Source: Mr Bruce Mountain, Submission
19, p. 6.
Mr Mountain claimed that differences in population density between
Australia and other countries do not explain the network pricing outcomes. He
argued that:
Australia is one of the most urbanised countries in the world[7]
and although the National Electricity Market[8]
(NEM) covers an extensive geographic area, a large part of each state in the
NEM is neither inhabited nor covered by network infrastructure;
much of the additional length of Australia's networks consists of
'inexpensive single wire earth return or 11 kV [kilovolt] overhead distribution
lines', with an additional cost that is 'much less per kilometre than an
underground high voltage urban or metropolitan network' (he noted that
underground networks 'can typically cost many times more than overhead
much of the rural network 'has been funded fully or partially
from customers' capital contributions'; and
network density 'does not explain the changes in prices or
assets', given that changes in prices and assets occurred for both metropolitan
and rural distributors and the density of the networks increased while the
expenditure was taking place.[9]
Before further outlining some of the concerns about electricity pricing,
it is instructive to acknowledge that consumers value both low prices and a reliable
electricity supply. These two outcomes of an electricity system are related:
electricity prices need to fund maintenance and provide incentives for
appropriate levels of investment that respond to growth and ensure the supply
remains reliable. An example of this tension between price and reliability was
given by the Queensland distributor Energex. Energex noted that although its
network is now 'very safe and reliable', reliability has been a flashpoint in
the past. Mr Terence Effeney, Energex's chief executive officer,
If you go back just a decade or so, when there were severe
storms and high load conditions, our network did struggle to meet customers'
requirements. At the time, both government and customers expressed some extreme
dissatisfaction, and this led to what was called the Somerville review in those
days. We call it the EDSD review as well. That review led to a whole range of
mandated inputs which we then had to build and plan our network to. In
particular, it mandated security and service standards for our network, and it
also mandated maintenance and response programs.[10]
Nevertheless, in recent years there has been sustained community and
industry displeasure about the level of electricity prices. Further, there has
been growing recognition that rising network costs have been a significant
contributor to higher final prices. The increase in network costs has led to
allegations of excessive investment in the networks, known as 'gold plating'.[11]
In the absence of an alternative suitable explanation, the regulatory framework
has been identified as the culprit for high electricity prices.
Mr Bruce Mountain told the committee:
I do not believe there is any exogenous reason such as demand
growth, growth in customer numbers or growth in energy supply or quality of
supply that justifies the rather disastrous outcomes that have been observed in
these states. In fact, to the contrary, I think the rate of the Australian
dollar to the US dollar and other currencies has been very, very useful and in
our favour at a time when large capital items have been imported. If anything,
I would contend that the expenditure programs should have turned down.[12]
This over-investment, many have argued, indicates a failure of
electricity regulation. It is claimed that the regulatory rules encourage
network companies to engage in excessive, and inefficient, expenditure on
assets as the current regulatory arrangements provide that this expenditure
will be passed through to consumers, helping drive the network company's future
revenue and profits. It is also evident that, for state government-owned
networks, the dividends from increased profits provide a lucrative revenue
stream for their government owners.[13]
Another aspect of the over-investment submitters were concerned about is
that the forecasted increase in demand used to justify the investment was
incorrect. Demand has fallen and is forecast to be flat in the NEM in upcoming
years (see Figure 2.3). The following assessment of forecasted
electricity consumption published by the Australian Energy Market Operator
(AEMO) in 2014 highlighted the stagnant nature of demand throughout the
Queensland is the only region in the NEM experiencing
industrial growth, due to LNG projects. It also has the strongest growth in
rooftop [photovoltaic (PV)]...installations, which drives down overall
consumption from the grid.
New South Wales experiences a decline in consumption, due to
reduced large industrial forecasts.
Victorian consumption is forecast to decline, driven by large
industrial and manufacturing plant closures, including the Point Henry
aluminium smelter in August 2014.
South Australian consumption is forecast to decline, with the
desalination plant reducing consumption due to the completion of operational
tests. Decreasing residential and commercial consumption is a result of the
highest existing levels of installed rooftop PV per capita across the NEM.
Tasmanian consumption is forecast to decline despite
increased production at the Norske Skog Boyer paper mill. The decline reflects
the lowest population growth in the NEM and high rooftop PV installations.[14]
Figure 2.3: Annual energy forecasts for the National
Electricity Market
(as at December 2014)

R + C is residential and commercial annual energy consumption.
Source: AEMO, National electricity forecasting
report 2014 update, December 2014,
(accessed 23 March 2015).
The Department of Industry (the department) suggested that, despite
falling electricity consumption, new network investment could still be required
occasionally. Examples given included 'replacing electrical protection devices
and power lines to mitigate bushfire risk, upgrading metering infrastructure to
accommodate smart meters, and modifying equipment to deal with power flows from
rooftop solar systems'. Further, the department noted that there may be some
areas of the network where it is more critical to ensure reliability of supply
compared to others.[15]
However, it was argued that network companies have been shielded from
the change in demand. EnergyAustralia submitted that generation and retail, the
competitive aspects of the electricity sector that EnergyAustralia is involved
in, have 'felt the impact of lower demand', while the regulated monopoly
transmission and distribution services 'have continued to recover against their
regulated asset base at a higher rate per unit sold'.[16]
Furthermore, submitters questioned the flexibility of the regulatory system.
They noted that expenditure forecasts and the resultant high electricity prices
were locked in for five years when demand began to decline. For example,
in its submission the Electrical Trades Union of Australia stated:
While it is not possible to accurately predict the future,
important data such as demand projections should not be totally wrong, and
there needs to be sufficient flexibility in the regulatory process to allow
adjustments that protect consumers from having to foot the bill of bad
investment decisions via bloated AER determinations.[17]
Continued growth in prices and the
broader economic impact
Concerns about high prices have been examined by past inquiries. At a
rudimentary level, the concept of network businesses gold-plating their networks
appears to be widely acknowledged and understood. Despite this, many submitters
to this inquiry considered that little has been done to address this issue. In
particular, many submitters grappled with following question: why are prices
still increasing given the past investment and declining demand? The following
extract from the Central Irrigation Trust's submission is an example of the
frustration submitters expressed:
We have endured significant price increases with the promises
of upgrading an aged network. We now expect a significant drop in capital
expenditure and subsequent network prices. There is no justification for
increasing capital expenditure when total demand is decreasing and this trend
continuing. Some big energy users such as Holden will close their doors soon
and recognition of further demand decreases must occur.
As a customer we find the reliability of the network
satisfactory and do not see the need for further upgrades, for changed bushfire
prevention activities or hardening of the network against lightening and
Electricity supply activities contribute to an energy sector that
comprises a sizable part of Australia's economy. The Energy Supply Association
of Australia advised that the 36 electricity and downstream natural gas
businesses it represents 'own and operate some $120 billion in assets, employ
more than 51,000 people and contribute $16.5 billion directly to the nation's gross
domestic product'.[19]
However, while the energy sector has grown, concern was expressed in
various submissions that high electricity prices are affecting the viability of
other industries. Submitters noted that network service providers were
'extraordinarily profitable entities'.[20]
The Central Irrigation Trust, which manages several irrigation districts in
South Australia, provided the following evidence of how high electricity prices
had affected businesses and economic activity in its region: the 14 businesses that are part of the Riverland
association, there are a number of projects where people are looking at
significant investments for future developments and they are putting those on
hold until we can get some resolution of this...It is a significant issue in our
own business. We would love to put more people on, but, in fact, we have
had to decrease over time. You could say some of that is power and some of that
is the drought and the like. But it is putting on significant pressure and we
do have an unemployment issue, as does regional Australia. We also have the
capacity to drive productivity and GDP in Australia. We are an export dominated
industry. We bring revenue into Australia from those exports and we want to
continue to do that. Unfortunately, I cannot give you the exact numbers, but
you can see how SA Power Networks are growing. You have got the numbers in
their annual report. Most of that growth is coming out of our businesses.[21]
Another specific instance of businesses suffering under the burden of
high electricity prices was provided by Canegrowers Isis, which gave the
example of a Queensland canegrower whose electricity costs have increased by 80
per cent in nominal terms over the past five years:
In 2010 his electricity costs for supplying the water to his
property and applying it onto the property were $20,800, or about eight per
cent of his gross income. In 2014, five years later, the electricity cost to do
roughly the same task was $37,500, and equated to about 23 per cent of his
gross income. That is a significant change, from eight per cent to 23 per cent.[22]
Large energy users also reported significant increases in their
electricity network costs. Big Picture Tasmania, which represents large energy
intensive companies in Tasmania that are directly connected to the high voltage
network, stated that 'since 2008 transmission costs have effectively doubled'
for the businesses it represents. Big Picture Tasmania described this as a
'perverse situation' that has 'undermined Tasmania's economic and social
security'. It added:
Allowing this perverse situation to continue without
significant reform by Federal and State Governments is bordering on neglect.[23]
One submitter observed that energy costs 'are a fundamental building
block of any economy', and although Australia 'should have cheap energy', it
does not. The submitter presented the following assessment of the effect
that high electricity prices are having on Australia's economy:
Electricity and gas prices are globally uncompetitive and
have risen so rapidly that they are causing social damage as retail customers
simply cannot afford the product. The current explicit high energy price
policies being followed by the government are hollowing out the Australian
economy. Mineral processing industries are leaving our shores, manufacturing
has been decimated and our economy is being reduced to a 'houses and holes'
economy, reliant on mining and housing to drive the economy.[24]
Impact on other reforms
It was also noted that high electricity prices were undermining other
reforms, such as water efficiency efforts. The New South Wales Irrigators'
Council (NSWIC) explained that electricity 'has become a major input factor in
irrigated agriculture as more irrigators have upgraded their on-farm equipment
to conserve water and remain competitive'. This has resulted in productivity
gains and water savings, however, irrigators' electricity use and costs have
increased. For irrigators that have implemented water efficiency measures, the
NSWIC reported that rising electricity prices have presented irrigators with
the following dilemma:
The trade-off between water efficiency and energy intensity
is extremely difficult to reconcile in irrigation and as a consequence of the
escalating electricity costs many irrigators have taken drastic measures
(including locking off their pumps or converting back to diesel energy) and
reverted back to low energy but water-intensive production methods. The impacts
in terms of efficiency and productivity are immense and continuously
Canegrowers Isis similarly noted that efficiency gains quickly diminish
when electricity prices increase and, as a result, irrigators are less willing
to adopt or further invest in improved technologies.[26]
An uncertain future: the rise of 'disruptive technologies' and concern
about a 'death spiral'
From 2000 to the start of the global financial crisis in 2007–08,
networks were faced with increasing demand and the need for ageing assets to be
replaced or upgraded. Mr Terence Effeney, the chief executive officer of
Energex, stated that the load on Energex's network increased by about 40 per
cent over six years, largely due to the widespread installation of air
conditioning. He explained:
Fifteen years ago about 25 per cent of homes in South East
Queensland had air conditioning. Now over 75 per cent of homes will have air
conditioning. Even with the global financial crisis, which occurred across 2007
and 2008, we were still experiencing record growth, and, in fact, across 2008
and 2009 we were still seeing some of the greatest demands that we had seen,
with over 120 additional homes and businesses connecting to our network every day.[27]
Indeed, summer peak demand in Queensland increased significantly during
the 2000s decade. The peak demand during the summer months of 1999–00 was
around 6,300 megawatts (MW); by 2009–10 summer peak demand had increased to
around 8,900 MW.[28]
However, AEMO figures indicate that the growth in maximum demand in Queensland
during the 2000s largely occurred during the first half of the decade.[29]
Although maximum demand was around four per cent higher in the summer of
2006–07 compared to the previous year, it fell sharply in the following year.
Between 2005–06 and 2009–10, maximum demand increased by approximately seven per
cent, around 1.5 per cent a year on average. Table 2.1 shows the AEMO's maximum
demand figures for Queensland between the summers of 2005–06 and 2013–14.
Table 2.1: Queensland
maximum demand, summer, various years
Summer |
Residential and commercial
maximum demand (MW) |
Operational maximum
demand (MW) |
2005–06 |
2006–07 |
2007–08 |
2008–09 |
2009–10 |
2010–11 |
2011–12 |
2012–13 |
2013–14 |
AEMO, National electricity forecasting report 2014: Final NEM and regional
forecasts data – Queensland, June 2014,
(accessed 16 April 2015).
In any case, demand has fallen throughout the NEM and is not predicted
to return to its previous growth rate. Consumers are also already increasingly
becoming involved in their own electricity generation. The committee was told
that in 2008 there were just over 14,000 solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in
Australia; as at February 2015 that were over 1.3 million rooftop systems and
another 900,000 solar hot water systems.[30]
The starting point for a discussion about the future of Australia's
electricity networks is the so-called 'death spiral'. The concept of a death
spiral follows the line of reasoning that high prices encourage consumers to
reduce their energy consumption and/or to generate their own electricity. The EUAA
provided the following statement that discussed the concept:
Over the past five years it has become apparent that
electricity demand has declined and has significantly decoupled from economic
growth. This has been driven in large part by consumers reducing their
consumption in response to the dramatic increases in network prices. In
addition, consumers are increasingly moving to self-generation as the relative
costs of distributed generation are becoming more attractive, thereby further
reducing the energy being delivered by the networks. The networks have
responded by further increasing their prices to recover their guaranteed
revenues over a reduced volume.
As a consequence, network assets are becoming increasingly
under-utilised and the industry's productivity is in serious decline.
The natural outcome of the continuation of these trends is
the well documented 'death spiral'—i.e. as demand continues to decline and the
move towards distributed generation increases, the burden of paying for the
networks' costs will be placed on a smaller consumer base until those consumers
can no longer afford to stay connected to the network.[31]
A death spiral suggests that network assets are currently overvalued,
with the likely future outcome being stranded assets.[32]
On this matter, the Bundaberg Regional Irrigators Group suggested that high
electricity prices were not only affecting the competitiveness of its members
in the sugar industry, but were also 'destroying demand for electricity',
'hastening the change to alternative energy sources' and in turn 'threatening
the viability investments and increasing the risk of electricity
assets being stranded'.[33]
The current regulatory proposals before the regulator caused some
submitters to suggest that the death spiral was now evident. Referring to Ergon
Energy's regulatory proposal, Mr Warren Males from Canegrowers claimed that
rather than the proposal realistically reflecting the change in demand, a
reading of it revealed the opposite. Mr Males stated:
In other sectors of the economy, if use of your product is
falling, generally you put out a sales price to try and encourage an uptake.
That does not work in the electricity market. If use is falling, then price
goes up so that you can get your revenue cap again. And, if use falls further,
then price goes up further. So it is really a bizarre twist in an energy-rich
Anecdotal evidence of the death spiral was also supplied to the
committee. For example, Mr Tom Chesson, a member of the Agriculture Industries
Electricity Taskforce, gave the following account of a business seeking to
minimise its reliance on the grid:
Last week I was speaking to a grower down in the Riverina who
is 10 metres away from his transmission pole. He has just put in a diesel
pump. It is already happening. It used to be that diesel was roughly twice as
expensive as electricity. It is the other way around now...[W]e are all looking
at renewables. A lot of my members have packing sheds and a lot of the dairy
industry already has a 40 per cent uptake of solar panels for their sheds to
try to chill the milk and other things. So we are looking at all options now.
They are all on the table and a lot of them are starting to look far more
attractive, which then will start the death spiral of our electricity networks,
which in some states we still own. So it is a very odd business model where we
are seeing people driven off the network.[35]
Submitters expressed concern that billions of dollars in network assets consumers
have paid for over many years are at risk. Mr Robert Mackenzie from Canegrowers
Isis stated that continued price rises cannot be absorbed. He expected the
result will be 'a Rolls-Royce network across the whole industry and no
customers'. He continued:
You will not have anybody to buy the power, and you will have
a lot of stranded assets. That is ridiculous. Those assets were bought and paid
for many, many years ago, to a large extent, and I suggest to you that
individuals contributed to the construction of those assets over long periods
of time. If it gets to be just a ghost, left to rot, because there is no way we
can use it, what is the point of that? There are literally billions of dollars
at stake here, both in the irrigation scheme, the on-farm infrastructure and
the electricity network.[36]
The implications of a death spiral and the rise of emerging technologies
are considered further in Chapter 8.
Finally, it should be noted that this inquiry took place while proposals
to privatise state government-owned network assets in Queensland and New South
Wales through leasing arrangements were debated and taken by incumbent governments
to their respective state elections.
The terms of reference for this inquiry does not include consideration
of the merits of these proposals; however, they are relevant in the context of regulatory
arrangements and the performance of network companies. In particular, evidence
received by the committee discussed:
whether public or private ownership affects the prices consumers
the implications of state governments being involved in setting the
policy that underpins electricity regulation while also receiving dividends and
other payments from the companies they own; and
if the regulatory arrangements have resulted in unnecessary and
inefficient investment with companies receiving excessive rates of return based
on this investment, whether this can be remedied before privatisation.
These issues are considered in Chapter 5.
Concluding comment
Electricity costs are a significant burden on households and businesses.
The committee is concerned that the high electricity prices experienced
for several years have damaged the economy, particularly the sectors exposed to
intense international competition. As electricity is an essential input to
business activity, the revenue and profits enjoyed by the electricity network
monopolies detract from the profits of businesses operating in the remaining
sectors of economy. This outcome is made even worse if the high network costs are
a result of perverse incentives in the regulatory rules that encourage
significant investment in an electricity network that may not be used to the
same extent in the future.
The next two chapters will commence a detailed study of the regulatory
framework by considering how the revenue for a network business is determined.
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